Day 15

Saturday, July 1

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Saturday July 1, we drove 259 miles from White River, Yukon N61 59.078 W140 32.209

to Big Delta, Alaska  N64 07.534 W145 42.122









The White River campground has facilities for RVs. The scenery is beautiful here.











I had heard a noise coming from the transmission since Cache Creek, it was getting worse. That is one reason we stopped here for the night. I took out the floor boards and opened the transmission, I could not find anything wrong. Bob used his Satellite phone to call his brother-in-law in Osoyoos, B.C. for advice, he suggested driving it until it stops. That sounded ok with me, at least then I will know what the trouble is.








Bob has an airplane landing strip behind the White River Campground.









It is easy to meet new people when you have an old car. This man and his wife were on a slow vacation to Alaska. They would stop for several days and then move on. Oh, how I would love to do that, but I am on a mission, to get Patty on a plane before the 8th of July.








I am sure these guard dogs would run a bear off if they need too. Bob has a sign on the back door of the office, it reads, "If you are being chased by a Bear, don't run in here".








This was a father and daughter from Edmonton, Alberta traveling by bicycle to Alaska and back. The bike is a tandem and towing a trailer. They had been on the road for over a month, with more than a month to go. I give them a lot of credit for making the trip. I hope they made it ok.





This is Bob, he owns the campground, he said it was his parents when he was young and at that time it was a horse ranch. But now it is an RV and tent campground. Bobs wife runs the road house just up in Beaver Creek. After putting the car back together we said goodbye to Bob and headed up the road to his wife's place for something to eat.






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These signs were long gone, I am happy I took the picture in 1975.









Only a few more miles of gravel, then we are back in the U.S. and pavement.







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The unfenced border between Canada and the USA. This picture was taken in 1975.







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click on this 1975 sign to read it. It is no longer there









Here we are at the U.S. Border, and not much of a wait, only two cars ahead of us.







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This is the border station in 1975. Notice there are no security barricades then. And no cars in front of me. You can see that traffic has increased.






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None of these signs are there any more, this one was painted over by someone who did not like all the people coming to Alaska to work.






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Back in the U.S.A. and good roads again.  Canada does a great job of keeping their roads in good shape too.






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We found these visitors books helpful in planning the trip and learning about the area, click on picture to enlarge it.











Downtown Tok, Alaska











Patty and Paul clowning for a picture.











Husky pups, enjoying the warm weather.











Patty would have loved to take this dog along with us.














I'm not paying $250 for a dog.














All I need is snow and those dogs I didn't buy.












There were a lot of interesting items here.














Now I know how to hook up a team.















Nice sleds made from local wood.










I don't know what I am looking at, but I must be deep in thought, or else asleep.










These pieces of wood were for sale, but for a high price.










There are lots of places like this to pull over and rest along a lake or river.







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Click on picture to enlarge it.











This Moose was just east of Delta Junction.










Like the Bear we saw a couple of days ago, soon after we stopped the Moose headed back into the woods.










A Moose is almost as big as a horse.










I have never heard of anyone taming a Moose to ride or do work. Moose meat burgers are available in most restaurants.










The official end of the Alaska Highway (ALCAN) as built in the forties by the Army Corps. of Engineers.






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This is the sign I found at Delta in 1975, there was no visitors center then.










We did not drive the complete length of the highway on the way north, because we joined it in Watson Lake when we turned off of Highway 37. The highway starts in Dawson Creek a little farther east.





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I missed the old signs. This one is from 1975 too.








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I drove all the way to the end of the Alaska Highway (ALCAN) and all I got was this Certificate.












The Delta area is an agricultural community and they also have some military facilities here. This is a well built log home. We stopped at the Delta visitors center, and found out about a B&B nearby. This is one of the homes in the area.








This is the house we stayed in, there was one other couple staying there also. People seemed a little reserved here, not as out going as Bob back in White River. Now it's time to get some rest in a comfortable house with running water, flush toilets and a good bed.





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