Day 14

Friday, June 30

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Friday June 30, we drove 246 miles from Whitehorse, N60 43.196 W135 03.571 

to White River Campground, N61 59.078 W140 32.209


We enjoyed our free cold cereal and milk breakfast. Then went looking for an oil change place and Laundromat. We found a Laundromat, while Patty was doing laundry I went looking for a place to change the oil. The quick change oil place wanted forty dollars to change the oil and do a twenty point inspection, I protested, I only want the oil drained, I even have my own oil just drain it into a pan. My pleas were not understood, NO, was the reply, I noticed them pull the bay door shut as I drove away. Next stop, Wal-mart for an oil drain pan, I'll do it myself.  Now the paddle wheeler.





The S.S. Klondike was an interesting site. I walked through it back in 1975, but it was not restored as it is today.









The Klondike worked the river for many years before the road was built to Dawson City. Now it is easier to truck supplies up to Dawson. Also all the trees were being cut down to put into the boiler.








The boat has a nice view of the river it used to be on.










The first class passengers got to exercise on the top deck. It would have been a great view with fresh air from up here.








Paul's taking a break on the top deck.











This is the boat's galley where the meals were made.











This is where you would dine on the fine meal prepared in the galley.










If the weather was inclement or you don't want to go to the top deck, then the lounge is the place to be.









Patty gets a chance to drive the boat, hang on.











It was about one thirty in the afternoon by the time we got out of Whitehorse. Fortunately the road is good and we can make up some time.







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Haines Junction, this is where you could drive south to the Pacific Ocean and the Town of Haines where the Cruise ships stop. This sign was in the grocery store where we stopped.







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Click on picture to enlarge it.


















Coming up on Kluane Lake. This lake goes on for miles along the road.










It sure is a pretty blue, it matches the sky.











No guard rails, I hope I don't fall asleep.








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Click on picture to better read it.









This couple rode out from Whitehorse just for the day.










They wanted a picture by the car.








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This was an interesting place.













Burwash Landing used to be a popular stop on the Highway, the improved road has somewhat by passed it. We stopped for dinner. With the improvement of the road and cars, drivers don't need to stop as often as they used to. Many of the older places are either abandoned or struggling. 








See the nice road with the sweeping curves and cleared right of way. This was not the case thirty years ago when the road was gravel and just wide enough for two passing trucks.









Here is another closed road house and motel.











The buildings look ok, but it is closed.











They have nice flowers everywhere.









We made it as far as the White River Campground. This is as far as we were going this day. The campground does not have a store or restaurant. We went to bed without eating and slept in the tent again tonight.

The proprietor Bob, said there were bears in the area, but they could be spooked, just yell at them and they will leave.... OK!!




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