Day 10

Monday, June 26

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Monday June 26, we drove 396 miles from Cache Creek, N50 48.796 W121 19.608

 to Burns Lake, N54 12.576 W125 41.473.


The story we read about how Cache Creek got it's name was. Miners would hike and use pack animals to get up into the mountains. Then as the trail got steeper they would leave everything except some food and mining tools behind, caching them at the creek, hence Cache Creek.



Just in case we have another 100 degree day, we started early. The sun is not yet over the horizon and Patty is dutifully standing at the car door. "Come on let's go" she said. "Breakfast will wait, I wanted to get on the road". 







Shortly after we left Cache Creek we came upon this lake. The temperature of the morning air was colder than that of the water, and steam was rising up from the lake, it made an eerie sight.

It was about here that I began to hear a noise that seemed to be coming from the clutch or transmission area. The noise was there for a while and then it would go away.

When we got to a town called 100 Mile House, we stopped at Tim Hortons for coffee and a pastry.




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There are several towns named after these old road houses, there is a Town named 150 mile house, one 100 mile house and one 70 mile house. I did not see this or many of the other signs that I saw in 1975. It is too bad they are gone.








The town of Quesnel is large and full of industry. Here is the Quesnel forest products center.







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The sign says it all.








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This is what the lumber mills looked like in 1975, they were along the road every few miles.









In the far background you can see the large stacks of logs ready for processing. When the housing market slows in California, someone looses his job in Quesnel.









This is one of several stacks of finished lumber ready to be shipped to market in Canada or exported to the U.S.








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This picture was taken in 1975.










Soon after Quesnel we arrived in Prince George.

There is no getting away from Wall-Mart or the Home Depot. 









All the fast food you could want, right here in Prince George. We stopped at the visitors center, did some shopping for underwear at Wal Mart. Doing laundry takes too long and there are not a lot of laundromats conveniently placed along our route, so I just bought more.








We are now on Highway 16, going west out of Pr. George.










Another lake along the way.











Burns Lake KOA another tenting experience.











This is the only place for tents, on the grass next to the office. It is close to the toilets and shower.










Putting up the tent with a lot of mosquitoes.











There you see it's almost done, and I was bitten by mosquitoes only 10 times.









The morning sun is coming up, it's time to get ready and go. We did not sleep late much, Patty was on a strict schedule, and needed to get back to work by July 8th. To accomplish this we drove all day every day, with only short rest stops.






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A brochure Patty picked up about Burns Lake.








Next day