Day 6

Thursday, June 22

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Thursday June 22, we drove just a few miles to downtown Wenatchee and back. It is a nice town with restored old buildings and a great soda fountain.






Patty's Uncle Francis with two of his daughters, Janice and Patty.










Francis grows great flowers.


















The House guests.










California is not the only state with swimming pools.











This is Francis's car, I am driving and Tom is riding in the passenger seat. It ran great. Francis bought it from a lady in southern California and had it shipped up to him in Washington.









Everyone gets their car in the picture, from left to right, Paul, Francis and Tom.










Every good town has a soda fountain, Wenatchee has theirs, and we found it.










Our wonderful attentive proprietors.











Making a banana split.











All done, all there is left to do, is eat it.








Next day