Day 12

Wednesday, June 28

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Wednesday June 28, we drove 241 miles from Hyder, Alaska N55 54.655 W130 01.265 to Dease Lake, British Columbia, N58 26.206 W129 59.469






On the way out of Hyder we stopped at the actual border to look at the monuments there. There is no fence here on this border. Which is the way it should be between neighbors, no fence.

This side of the post is the U.S.








And on this side is Canada.











This is an old building that was built right across the border, half in the U.S. and half in Canada.









There is no gas station in Hyder so I filled up here in Stewart. We stopped at the King Edward Inn for breakfast. The size of the meal was for a hard working man, and all I am doing is sitting in the car all day. I can probably skip lunch.









Looks like we have run out of pavement for now. There is dust as no rain has fallen yet today. The road was smooth and easy to drive on.









The road crews are putting down about a foot of gravel on the road. The road is in good shape, a few pot holes but no washboards.








We stopped to get gas at Bell II, a resort for helicopter skiing.  I thought it might be named Bell II because they had two bell helicopters, but it is named after the Bell Irving River, must be the second resort.









The resort is nice and is known for its fine dinning. But we ate so much at a late breakfast in Stewart, there was no way I was going to eat again so soon.






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In retrospect I wish we had eaten here instead of traveling on. It seemed to be a very nice place.












When you see an area along the river that is flattened like this, it usually means that someone has removed a gravel deposit. Maybe for the roads.








This is where we stopped for a late lunch. We rested for about an hour, eating apple pie and drinking coffee. The food was standard home cooked. Bell II would have been fancier.











Patty took this picture to show how full the car was loaded. It is also starting to rain. The rain is welcome as it keeps the dust down on the gravel sections of road.








The road is gravel, but it is smooth.











I spoke to soon, this section is rough. We drove on to Dease Lake and got a room, no tenting tonight, it is cold and raining.







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