2007 Trip Driving South to Panama

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Week one.

Day one, Monday 11/19/2007

I drove 246km from Jamul, California, N32 43.0265 W116 52.6273 to Yuma, Arizona, N32 41.857 W114 36.967




Monday, 11/19/07 I drove from Jamul, California to Yuma, Arizona. I got a room at a Motel 6 and waited for morning to cross into Mexico. Dinner was at the Outback Steak House. I thought this would be my last "American " food for a long while.







Day two, Tuesday 11/20/2007

I drove 472km from Yuma, Arizona, N32 41.857 W114 36.967 to Santa Ana, Sonora Mexico, N30 32.382 W111 06.785



Lots of agriculture on the U.S. side, on the way to the border at San Luis Rio Colorado. On the way to the Border crossing, I stopped at a Wal-Mart to buy a hand tire pump. I had left mine at home. Next stop was a McDonalds for breakfast. I was sure this would be the last time I would see a McDonalds for a month or two.








I crossed the USA-Mexico border at San Luis Rio Colorado, south of Yuma, Arizona.

This border crossing is in a small working class town and on Highway 2, the road into mainland Mexico. Getting my visa was no problem, just show my passport get the stamp and be on my way. Getting the car permit took a little longer. It was almost noon when I left San Luis. 

Driving east along the solid steel border fence. The road to Santa Ana was in great condition. There was no shoulder in many places along the road to pull off if any trouble occurred. I always feel better when I know I can pull off the road if I need too.




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Sonora Highway

I arrived in Santa Ana just about dark. I got a room at a nice hotel, dinner was at a good restaurant across the street.





Day three, Wednesday  11/21/2007

I drove 498km from Santa Ana, Sonora Mexico, N30 32.382 W111 06.785 to Navojoa Mexico, N27 05.845 W109 26.877



Last night when I arrived at Santa Ana, I met a couple from Alaska, who were spending a few weeks in Arizona and Mexico. They rode into town on a Harley Davidson motorcycle. "Ketch" said they do this often, and leave the motorhome in Ajo Arizona.








Ketch and Marguerite pose next to their Harley. They have an airplane business in Alaska. Ketch is the proud owner of one of only four  Grumman Ducks still flying. Ketch and Marguerite bought my breakfast at the restaurant across the street, Thanks Ketch.










One of many toll booths on Mexico 15D. I have not added up my total cost of tolls but it was a couple of hundred dollars for Mexico. The toll roads are worth taking as they were all in good condition and much more of a direct route.






Traffic control. The lights seem to be working, but this policeman was standing in the road making people go when he said so. I am glad hand signals are universal as I would not have understood his Spanish.








The water of the Gulf of California looked good after two days in the desert.












Notice that there are no guard rails along the road. This safety feature is lacking in most countries. Could be the expense is too much.









When I saw this Home Depot sign I felt like I was still at home. Home Depot and Wal-mart are all throughout Mexico.











From Santa Ana I drove south on Highway 15D, a toll road. I arrived in Navojoa about five, and got a good room at a nice hotel with an internet connection. The internet did not work in my room I had to go into the office to use it. I walked down the street and ate pizza at an Italian restaurant.







Nice room for $44.00











Day four, Thursday 11/22/2007

I drove 826km from Navojoa Mexico, N27 05.845 W109 26.877 to Tepic Mexico, N21 31.235 W104 55.630



I did not have any breakfast as I was in a rush to get some miles behind me. 

This area has a lot of agriculture.









This field looked like Cactus, maybe Agave for Tequila. 










Wide open highway.




Arriving in Tepic tired and hungry. I got the first room I found, just off the main road, but no restaurant. There was a PEMEX station and a convenience store next door, so I ate a prepackaged sandwich and a bag of chips for dinner. The hotel did have an internet connection.



Day five, Friday 11/23/2007

I drove 406km from Tepic Mexico, N21 31.235 W104 55.630 to Guadalajara Mexico, N20 37.993 W103 17.879



No breakfast again this morning, as I was not about to eat at the convenience store.

Before leaving Tepic I changed the oil in the hotel parking lot. Then I drove on toward Guadalajara.



Blurred wild flowers at 50mph. When I get to driving I don't like to stop for pictures unless it is necessary.





Road work was often being done. The only problem with the new road work was the lack of white lines on the road.










There were almost no safety warnings along the work area. Just an occasional flagman with a red flag.










I stopped at a small village on my way to Guadalajara to find a bank so I could pay the highway tolls. I found one here and took time out for lunch.










Many great views.











I got tired of paying the tolls, so I took the free road for a while. I never complained again about the tolls. The free road was in good condition but very steep and full of truck traffic.









Laguna de Chapala, south of Guadalajara. I took a drive along the north side of the lake. I had heard that it had the largest accumulation of Canadians outside of Canada. I did not see any of them, they must be on the south side, eh.

  I did not find a place to stay on my site seeing trip and returned after dark to Guadalajara looking for a room.







This Guadalajara  Hotel, cost $32.00.  When I drove in the gate I was hurried into a garage and an attendant shut the door quickly, I expected to get mugged.

When I got out of the car, I was told how much the room was.  I asked about food. They did not have food. I walked across the street to a KFC. 






The room was above the garage, the only way I could get in and out was through the garage. 











Looks like condo's, it was a nice place and at a good price.










Day six, Saturday 11/24/2007

I drove 665km from Guadalajara Mexico, N20 37.993 W103 17.879 to Puebla Mexico, N19 04.414 W98 13.615



I left Guadalajara without breakfast again. The toll road was easy to reach from the Hotel and I did not want to go looking for a restaurant. I did find a 7-11 store and got Pesos from their ATM machine.

Another toll booth, I thought I was going to spend as much on tolls as gasoline.

I left the Hotel early as I wanted to get all the way to Mexico City today. I did get to Mexico City with no problems. With the help of the GPS I drove through the city making only one wrong turn near the airport.



Laguna de Cuitzeo. 











There were several people standing along the road selling woven reed baskets. The car was full and I did not want to carry one all the way south and back again.









Great road, good signage. I just did not know where the towns were on the sign. I often could not find towns that were on the signs on my maps.










I stayed on the main roads and did fine.











In the distance is a small village.












Driving up the mountain (volcano) to Mexico City. The green Volkswagen is a city cab. This was about the only large Pine trees that I saw.









A quick shot at the many houses on the edge of Mexico City.










I did not stop along the road to take pictures, so this the only view of the Mexico City skyline.










Downtown Mexico City, this is an old aqueduct.











I tried to get a picture of Mexico City lights. I had to drive for an hour or more at night to get to Puebla.



 I then continued on to Puebla looking for a reasonably priced safe place to stay. Puebla is a nice clean city, and again I found one of those drive in hotels. This one cost $26.00. 





There was no restaurant nearby, so I asked if they could order me a Pizza. I had seen a Dominos Pizza on the way to the hotel. When my pizza arrived it cost me $14.00.


 I think I got a good deal on the room and not on the Pizza. This building was setup just like the one last night in Guadalajara.





End of week one. Continue to week two.