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Week 4

Day twenty one, Sunday 12/9/2007

I drove 307km from Leon, Nicaragua, N12 25.458 W86 51.997  to San Miguel, El Salvador, N13 29.487 W88 10.729



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$30.00 Hotel in Leon. 

The restaurant was open and I had a great breakfast. Again most of the cars are gone by the time I got up, and there were only a couple of us in the restaurant for breakfast. 








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The hotel pool








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The Hotel courtyard.







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People rode on anything that moved. Here a guy is riding on top of a wagon. There were a lot of farming vehicles on the road.









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Another day, another couple of border crossings. I crossed into Honduras and drove out the other side in the late afternoon.


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A horse drawn cart, with the guy ridding on top of the hay.










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Here a guy is hanging onto the back of the bus. the bus was traveling about 45mph.










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El Salvador



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Crossing the border into El Salvador took a long time. The customs people wanted to go over and over my paperwork. They finally decided that the color copy of the Car's Title was a forgery and not an original. I said it was a original copy, and the copy was a copy-copy. I then showed them the original registration and explained that the numbers were the same on each. I was very happy to get out of there and drive again. It was getting late, but I made it to San Miguel where I got a nice room with wireless internet for $45.00. I walked down the street to the shopping Mall and ate at McDonalds.



Day twenty two, Monday 12/10/2007

I drove 505km from San Miguel, El Salvador, N13 29.487 W88 10.729 to Siguinala, Guatamela, N14 18.403 W90 57.970



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One of only two pictures I am in. This was at the hotel in San Miguel. I left without breakfast and continued on toward San Salvador. The shirt I am wearing has pictures of Model A Fords on it. My wife (Patty) made it for me to wear on the trip.









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Everyone is getting ready for Christmas. the hotel was nice. They had a security guard with a pistol grip shot gun. Some times this made me think I should not be here, but I was told it is routine. They have not put their guns away from the civil war a few years ago.








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El Salvador is a very nice country.









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El Salvador has good roads.











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I am getting tired of borders, but there still are three more to go. I soon was at the Guatemala Border.








This crossing went smoothly and I continued driving north on CA2.



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Guatemala had good roads too.











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Overturned truck in Guatemala.




 By the time I got to Escuintla west of Guatemala City it was dusk. I can't believe the trouble I have finding a hotel. I saw the signs and followed them only to find myself  in an industrial park. When I asked for directions no one seemed to understand me. 




Copy of 12-010-023.jpg (224034 bytes) I continued on north to Siquinala a tiny little town with one hotel. This cost me $10.00. The toilet did not work, I did not try the shower and slept in my clothes. For dinner I walked down the street and found a small restaurant, after eating the woman said I owed her $10.00. I thought a sandwich should not be the same as a hotel room. I took the calculator out of my pocket did some calculations and offered her $3.00 she took it and I went on my way

Hotel in Siguinala, Guatamela.




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A ten dollar room, no air conditioning, the toilet did not work.










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I slept in my clothes after spraying the bed with insect spray.










Day twenty three, Tuesday 12/11/2007

I drove 384km from Siguinala, Guatamela, N14 18.403 W90 57.970 to Tapachula, Mexico, N14 53.907 W92 15.119




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There was no place I wanted to eat breakfast in Siguinala so I headed on down the road. 

I got stuck following lots of trucks.


The road toward Mexico was stop and go I drove 60km in about four hours. I decided then to turn off CA2 at San Sebastion thinking I would cross into Mexico on CA1 up in the mountains. 






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Every country has corn fields.










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There was a Burger King or McDonalds here, I don't remember which. I ate an early lunch here.










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Cars pass whenever they want too. Yellow lines mean nothing to the drivers.











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This was a beautiful valley full of farms, in Zunil. They had an elaborate irrigation system that allowed them to use sprinklers on the mountain side fields. The pipes came from a stream atop the mountain and then ran by gravity to the fields.






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Farm workers, (all women) pulling radishes by hand.

This road was also stop and go. When I got to CA1 there was no traffic on the road. A man at a gas station said CA1 in Mexico was almost impassable and not to go there alone. He almost begged me to drive back down the mountain and return to CA2. I followed his advice and drove down the mountain which now had no traffic on it, arriving at the Mexico border just about dark.






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The trucks are colorful.











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Roadside vegetable stand.












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Lots of people of all ages walking along the roads.












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  Like I keep saying, another day another border. I arrived at the Mexico border just about dark.










Crossing into Mexico again went well and I continued on to Tapachula where I had stayed before. I had the location of the hotel in Tapachula still in the GPS, I used this to find the hotel. When I arrived in Tapachula there was a street fair going on in front of the hotel. I ate dinner at one of the booths. It was very good. The room cost $65.00


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When I arrived in Tapachula, Mexico they were having a parade.











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And carnival.












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Good food too.











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Everyone was in the parade, even the concrete trucks.











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I thought this was a Christmas Carnival, but was told it was the "Feast of the Virgin Guadalupe".












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The Church.












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I got a good nights sleep, I felt good as I was back in Mexico. Just one more country, then I am home.








Day twenty four, Wednesday 12/12/2007

I drove 597km from Tapachula, Mexico, N14 53.907 W92 15.119 to Bahia Huatulco, Mexico, N15 45.788 W96 07.664



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I ate a light breakfast at the hotel, packed the car and left. I drove out of Tapachula heading toward Juchitan. I made good time and continued on past Salina Cruz.


A nice four lane divided highway.







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Not many cars on the road.












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A house in the background miles from anywhere.












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Dusty road work.












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Mexico had lots of bridges under construction.












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Windmills generating electricity just east of Salina Cruz.











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There were a lot of them, and the wind was blowing strong.








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 I did not find any hotels west of Salina Cruz like I expected. By now it was almost dark and I was driving on a very mountainous road. Arriving at Bahias de Huatulo long after dark about eight pm. I found a Best Western and got a room with internet for $68.00. I ate in their dining room. The meal was very good.






Day twenty five, Thursday 12/13/2007

I drove 256km from Bahia Huatulco, Mexico, N15 45.788 W96 07.664 to Pinotepa, Mexico, N16 20.963 W98 03.695



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Bahia Huatulco

I spent some time site seeing here in Huatulco and did not take the time to eat breakfast before leaving.










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This was a resort town.












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A couple of guys were fishing. One was snorkeling too.








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Best Western at Bahia Huatulco, where I stayed.












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Tourist towns had landscaping.












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Back on the road again heading north on Mexico 200










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A statue at a traffic roundabout.












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Still driving along the coast I ran into a road block. Some Taxi drivers were protesting their wages. This traffic jam lasted for over three hours. 









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Several Taxi cabs had the road blocked.












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They were on strike for more money.












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It took until late in the afternoon to get them to open up the road.


When they did unblock the road, I could only make it to Pinotepa by dark. Where I found a room for $24.00. No internet. I ate in their dinning room.








Day twenty six, Friday 12/14/2007

I drove 405km from Pinotepa, Mexico, N16 20.963 W98 03.695 to San Luis, Mexico, N17 16.323 W100 56.246




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I was up by seven am and heading north again. As usual I did not stop for breakfast, just left in a hurry to reach my next destination.










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A cemetery in the far background. Cemeteries here in Mexico are colorful and large.











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Another word for speed bump. There were these speed bump signs at every town. 











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Tall grass right up to the road.












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Coca Cola bottling plant on right












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Tunnel into Acapulco.












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Downtown Acapulco.












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I could not find a parking place here in Acapulco so I continued on.








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Today I continued along the coast in a very hot sun, my left hand got burned badly from the sun. The coast is beautiful.








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Traffic jam leaving Acapulco.












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Over turned bus along the road.












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I passed through Acapulco and on to San Luis, where I got a nice room at a empty resort for $45.00. The owner made me a sandwich. No internet. No hot water.









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My lodging for the night in San Luis.












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Day twenty seven, Saturday 12/15/2007

I drove 547km from San Luis, Mexico, N17 16.323 W100 56.246 to Manzanillo, Mexico, N19 06.266 W104 20.057




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I left the resort in San Luis early and once again no breakfast.

I drove along the water for miles.










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It's a hundred feet or more to the bottom.












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There are no guard rails along the road.












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Speed bump sign.












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These speed bumps were crossed at less than 5mph. To go any faster would cause damage to the car.











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Trash and debris were along the road at a lot of locations.











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An hour or so after leaving San Luis I passed a gas station, I had less than 3/4 of a tank of gas showing, but figured I could make it to the next station. A little later I discovered that was the last gas station for over 180km. I put my spare 2 gal of gas in the tank a few miles before the next station.







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The convenience store was closed.












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Banana plants on both sides of the road.












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 I stopped at Manzanillo for the night. Room cost $54.00. The internet was in the lobby. Dinner was down the street at a very nice restaurant. I walked across the street to Walmart and purchased oil for an oil change.








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Road art.











End of week four, continue on to week five.