2007 Trip, driving to Panama

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Day one, Monday 11/19/2007 I drove 246km from Jamul, California, N32 43.0265 W116 52.6273 to Yuma, Arizona, N32 41.857 W114 36.967 where I waited at a Motel 6 for morning to cross into Mexico.

In preparation of the trip I purchased Mexico Automobile Insurance from Sanborn's Insurance Agency. They are a good company to purchase insurance from. It cost about $150.00 for two weeks. I also purchased a quad band cell phone that I could remove the Att-Cingular chip from and install a Mexican prepaid TelCel chip. I did this to prevent the roaming fees Att charges.



Day two, Tuesday 11/20/2007

Mexico, I drove 472km from Yuma, Arizona, N32 41.857 W114 36.967 to Santa Ana, Sonora Mexico, N30 32.382 W111 06.785. Crossing the border was a long event. I got my passport stamped with no problem. Getting a vehicle permit for the car took a little longer. The Mexico officials did not want to use the copy of the cars title I brought along, they wanted an original. I did have the original registration, which they did accept. Next I needed to have the car inspected. They wanted to verify the vehicle identification numbers on the registration with the numbers on the car. I went to a Bank and paid my vehicle import fees and bought some pesos, I got about 10.8 pesos for each dollar. Next I went to a TelCel office and purchased a prepaid phone card.

 The above picture is of driving east along the solid steel border fence. The road to Santa Ana was in great condition. There was no shoulder in many places along the road to pull off if any trouble occurred. I always feel better when I know I can pull off the road if I need too. I arrived in Santa Ana about dark and got a nice hotel room. There was a good restaurant across the street.




Day three, Wednesday  11/21/2007

I drove 498km from Santa Ana, Sonora, Mexico, N30 32.382 W111 06.785 to Navojoa Mexico, N27 05.845 W109 26.877 this was a very good road. I did not have any trouble on the road, most people smiled at me and the car. 

I found a new Hotel with internet for the night, and a pizza restaurant just down the street.





Day four, Thursday 11/22/2007

I drove 826km from Navojoa Mexico, N27 05.845 W109 26.877 to Tepic Mexico, N21 31.235 W104 55.630 again I was driving on a well maintained road. I took the first Hotel I could find. They also had an internet connection but no restaurant. I ate a prepackaged sandwich I bought at the gas station next door.







Day five, Friday 11/23/2007

I drove 406km from Tepic Mexico, N21 31.235 W104 55.630 to Guadalajara Mexico, N20 37.993 W103 17.879  This picture is of Laguna de Chapala, south of Guadalajara. I took a drive along the north side of the lake. I had heard that it had the largest accumulation of Canadians out side of Canada. I did not see any of them, they must be on the south side, eh.

  I did not find a place to stay on my site seeing trip and returned after dark to Guadalajara looking for a room. I found a Hotel with a KFC across the street.




Day six, Saturday 11/24/2007

I drove 665km from Guadalajara Mexico, N20 37.993 W103 17.879 to Puebla Mexico, N19 04.414 W98 13.615  Downtown Mexico City, this is an old aqueduct. With the help of my GPS I made only one wrong turn in Mexico City while looking for the road to Puebla. I arrived in Puebla after dark and stayed at another roadside Hotel. This one did not have any restaurant near by so I ordered a pizza from Dominos.



